Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson Have Coronavirus Positive


Academy Award-winning actor Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for the coronavirus, Hanks revealed Wednesday.

Hanks and Wilson are in Australia for the pre-production of Baz Luhrmann’s currently untitled Presley film from Warner Bros. Hanks is about to play Presley’s longtime manager Colonel Tom Parker.

Hanks announced the couple’s diagnosis on social media accounts, including Instagram and Twitter.

“Hello, folks. Rita and that i are down here in Australia,” he wrote. “We felt a touch tired, like we had colds, and a few body aches. Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too. To play things right, as is required within the world immediately , we were tested for the Coronavirus, and were found to be positive.”

“Well, now. What to try to to next? The Medical Officials have protocols that has got to be followed. We Hanks’ are going to be tested, observed, and isolated for as long as public health and safety requires. Not far more thereto than a one-day-at-a-time approach, no?”

“We’ll keep the planet posted and updated. lookout of yourselves! Hanx!”

Both Hanks and Wilson are 63.


Warner Bros. said that it had been made aware that a corporation member on the Elvis film had tested positive for COVID-19.

While the untitled Elvis film isn’t due into theaters until October 2021, Hanks has three movies slated for release in 2020. “Greyhound,” a war II film which will be distributed by Sony, “BIOS,” a post-apocalyptic film from Steven Spielberg’s Amblin, and “News of the planet ,” a western from Universal. All three films are currently in post-production.

Wilson has also wrapped filming on her 2020 project. “Love is Love is Love,” an American Zoetrope film is currently listed as complete.

Earlier Wednesday, the planet Health Organization declared an epidemic . As of this posting, there are a minimum of 118,381 global cases of coronavirus, consistent with WHO. Within the U.S., a minimum of 1,279 cases are confirmed, consistent with data compiled from Johns Hopkins University.

Coronaviruses are a part of an outsized family of viruses which will cause illness in humans and animals. Symptoms of the COVID-19 include fever, cough, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

The coronavirus spreads during a similar fashion to the flu. If an individual with the virus coughs, sneezes or exhales, they release droplets of infected fluid which will land on nearby surfaces and may infect another one that comes into contact with those surfaces.

In severe cases, an infection from coronavirus can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, renal failure and death.

Most people who become ill won’t develop serious symptoms, but 15% to twenty of the people that are exposed to the virus get severely sick. the chances of developing COVID-19 increase with age, starting at age 60. It’s especially lethal for people over 80.

Around the same time that Hanks and Wilson disclosed their diagnosis, the National Basketball Association suspended its season indefinitely after learning that a Utah Jazz player tested positive for coronavirus. The NBA canceled Wednesday night’s game between the Jazz and Oklahoma City Thunder.

This articale taken refrence from cnbc

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