Check Assam Higher Secondary Result 2020
NEW DELHI: Assam Higher education Council (AHSEC) has declared the Assam HS result 2020 online today at 9AM. Students can check the ...72nd Death Anniversary: Know all about Mahatma Gandhi and 15 quotes by Father of the ...
Every year January 30 is observed as Mahatma Gandhi’s Martyrdom day. This year India is observing the 72nd death anniversary of Gandhi ...Nobel Prize 2019: जेम्स पीबल्स, मिशेल मेयर और डिडिएर क्वेलोज को मिला भौतिकी का नोबेल ...
स्टॉकहोम. साल 2019 में भौतिकी का नोबेल पुरस्कार स्वीटजरलैंड के मिशेल मेयर, दिदिएर क्वेलोज और कनाडाई अमेरिकी मूल के भौतिकविद जेम्स पीबल्स ...September 15 Engineer’s Day: Birth anniversary of Sir M Visvesvaraya
Sir M Visvesvaraya, popularly known as Sir MV, was an engineer, statesman, and scholar who served as the Diwan of Mysore during ...10 मई 1857 का संग्राम:- मेरठ की क्रांति विद्रोह |आजादी की पहली लड़ाई
The war of 1857 was a significant and necessary event against British rule. The revolution started on might ten, 1857, with Meerut, ...संरक्षक और कोच के बीच अंतर
लगभग एक दशक पहले, मैंने सिलिकॉन वैली के सर्वश्रेष्ठ गुप्त रहस्य के बारे में फॉर्च्यून में एक कहानी पढ़ी। यह हार्डवेयर या ...Protocol Over People: Why (Educational) Institutions Need to Stop Dehumanizing People of Color
In the fall of last year, I was asked to participate in a faculty diversity panel for a leadership retreat at my ...12 Barriers To Innovation In Education
12 Barriers To Innovation In Education Innovation is not something that just happens–or, rather it does given the right chemistry. Oftentimes this ...Factors Of Academic Achievement
6 Factors Of Academic Achievement To Guide Your Teaching What are the factors of academic achievement? First, a definition for academics in the ...