Yoga men of ancient India


Between 7000 BCE and 800 AD, India became the birthplace of thousands of stunning yogis, Siddhas, sages, and saints. Some of them were prominent yogis: Vashistha, Lord Krishna, Parashar Rishi, Vyasa Rishi, Ashtavakra, Patanjali.

This was the era in the history of yoga when the teachings of yoga began to be written and thus the oral tradition of yoga came to an end. A rich tradition of excellent literature related to yoga is found in this period, such as Upanishads, Yoga Vashistha, Yoga Sutras, Bhagavadgita.

The Patanjali Yoga Sutra is perhaps the greatest document and most dull book on this earth about life. This is a very boring and dry book.

Although Yoga-education was written, everything was written in a very confidential and symbolic manner. Those people could understand those things, which were initiated for this. The aim of yoga in this era was salvation and enlightenment.


Was one of the seven sons. Vashistha was the manasaputra of Lord Brahma. He had the divine Kamadhenu cow and his calf Nandini, who could bestow any boon to their owners. Vashistha’s wife was Arundhati. In the Rigveda, 

According to Rigveda, Vashistha Rishi is described as the son of Mithra Varun and Urvashi.

Yoga Vashistha is a Hindu spiritual scripture, written by Lord Valmiki. Some Hindus believe that it can answer all the questions that arise in the human mind and can help a human in attaining salvation. It describes discourses given to Vashistha Rishi’s prince Rama. It is one of the longest Sanskrit texts after the Mahabharata and is also an important treatise in Yoga. It has about 32,000 verses and many short stories and stories have been added to explain the subjects.

Lord Krishna

Wanted to spread the spiritual process to the whole world, especially to those who influence the rest of the world. He wanted to turn kings and emperors inward. The purpose of Krishna’s life was to unite the spiritual process and the political process. He not only worked with the kings but also established thousands of ashrams in the plains of northern India. The spiritual process must occur at both the highest and lowest levels.

The Bhagavad Gita literally means the unique song of God. There are 700 verses in this Hindu scripture which is a part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata. In the Bhagavad Gita, there is a synthesis of all types of yoga – knowledge, devotion, karma, and raj yoga, or in simple words, the four forms of yoga.

Parashar Rishi

There was a Maharishi of the Rigvedic period who composed many ancient texts. He was a supremely knowledgeable and perfect man. He worked tirelessly to establish religion in the society. For the establishment of Brahmatej, he established hundreds of ashrams across the country with dedicated devotees. He also tried to get in touch with the kings of the time so that there could be a synergy between Brahmatej – the religion of ascetics, and Kshatratej – the religion of the rulers. Since he started this movement, he got a lot of respect and people paid attention to his talk. At the same time some of his enemies also became, which was bound to happen. History is witness, whenever someone starts a movement, some people gather and start following him and some people stand against him.

He was the grandson of Vashistha, son of Shakti Maharishi, and father of Veda Vyasa. It is believed that he was around 3100 BC. Were present on this earth. He is considered to be the author of the first Purana- Vishnu Purana. Parashar is depicted as a writer or speaker in many texts. Parashar is said to have been roaming around. He is the third member of the Rishi tradition of the Advaita Guru tradition.


Is an important and revered figure in most Hindu traditions. He is more known as Veda Vyasa (i.e. one who classified the Vedas). He also had a name Krishna Dwaipayan which is associated with his color and birthplace. He is the author of Mahabharata and is also an important character in it. Vyasa is also credited with writing eighteen major Puranas. His son Shuk is the narrator of the Bhagavata Purana, an important Purana.


There was a saint who kept the truth in such an effective and sharp manner that at times had to prick people and annoy them. Despite being crippled by the body, there was such clarity in Ashtavakra’s understanding and thoughts that people used to listen to his teachings with great eagerness. He attained the status of a great saint at a very young age. Yoga can benefit you in a similar way. Practicing Chandra Namaskar steps daily can help calm you down and stay fit.

Ashtavakra is considered the creator of early literature. The great work Ashtavakra Gita is composed by him. Ashtavakra Gita is also known as Ashtavakra Samhita. It is a collection of such sermons that Ashtavakra gave to his disciple King Janaka, who was the king of Mithila. Ashtavakra is also mentioned in the Ramayana, but the description of his entire story is found in the Mahabharata.


Is considered to be the father of yoga. Patanjali is seen in many roles in Indian culture. He is a grammar scholar, musician, mathematician and also an astronomer. But Patanjali is counted among the greatest yogis of this country. In the Yogic tradition, Patanjali is considered no less than Shiva.

The Patanjali Yoga Sutra is perhaps the greatest document and most dull book on this earth about life. This is a very boring and dry book. Patanjali wrote it intentionally because it gives the formula to open life. If it were as interesting as poetry or literature, people of all kinds, especially learned people, would read it. Once such people will read this book, they will interpret the said things in hundreds of ways. Patanjali had so much authority over the language that he wrote the book in such a way that no scholar showed any interest in reading it. It has been written so intelligently that it will be very dull and dry to someone who has not experienced those things lively. Such people get only a little superficial knowledge after reading it.

When Patanjali gave the Yoga Sutras, he did not mention any particular method. There is no practice mentioned in this. They just gave the necessary formulas. Depending on the people and circumstances around it, every guru can decide according to his own. Every sutra will have some meaning, only for the man who is searching for his consciousness.

Therefore, it is apparent that yoga has a number of benefits, joining 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is a great way to learn all the basic concepts about yoga and meditation and gain all the benefits that this ancient art has to offer.

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