What is Prostate Enlargement & its Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment?


Prostate Enlargement Meaning

Prostate enlargement is a very common issue in men after the age of 40 or when they get older. 98% of men suffer from this disease once in their life, if you are also one of them then consult Dr. Sandeep Nunia, the best urologist in Jaipur. He can diagnose the root cause of your urological disease and deliver effective treatment to cure prostate enlargement. 

When the prostate gland of men starts growing and becomes bigger it is known as prostate enlargement. A man with an enlarged prostate may have difficulty in urination and suffers from pain. Prostate enlargement can be treated and is a non-cancerous disease. The enlarged prostate of a person should be treated early before it gets serious. One can prevent prostate enlargement if following a healthy lifestyle. 

Early Signs of Prostate Enlargement

A person can have many signs & symptoms of prostate enlargement but it varies from person to person. Following are some common symptoms of prostate enlargement in men

  • Frequent urination
  • Trouble in passing urine
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Blood in urine
  • Need to urinate more at night
  • Difficulty in starting urination
  • Change in urine color
  • Slow urinary stream

If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms then you should immediately consult Dr. Sandeep Nunia. He provides the best prostate enlargement treatment in Jaipur.

Causes of Enlarged Prostate

Prostate enlargement causes are unknown but some of the factors are responsible for it. Given below are some of the causes that cause prostate enlargement in men

  • Age factor- the men older than 40 are at high risk of prostate enlargement
  • Prostate enlargement is also caused by hormonal changes in men
  • A bladder stone can also cause prostate enlargement
  • Inflammation of the prostate may also cause prostate enlargement
  • Changes in the cells of testicles cause prostate enlargement in men
  • Aging can also cause prostate enlargement
  • A kidney stone can also cause prostate enlargement
  • Scaring on the bladder can be a reason for prostate enlargement
  • An unhealthy lifestyle can also be responsible for prostate enlargement

Diagnosis of Prostate Enlargement

A urologist can perform certain tests to diagnose your enlarged prostate. The following are some of the tests that are performed to diagnose prostate enlargement in men

  • Prostate MRI
  • Ultrasound
  • Urine flow test
  • Pressure flow test
  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test
  • Cystoscopy
  • Digital rectal examination

Once the diagnosis of prostate enlargement is confirmed then the patient should consult the best urologist and seek immediate treatment.  As early treatment can prevent you from causing other severe diseases. 

Treatment for Prostate Enlargement

Prostate enlargement has many treatment options but that depends on the severity of the patient’s prostate enlargement.  Given below are some treatments that are offered to cure prostate enlargement.

  • Alpha-blockers and medications are offered by urologists to cure prostate enlargement in men
  • A patient with prostate enlargement is advised to change his lifestyle as adopting a healthy lifestyle can be helpful in treating enlarged prostate
  • Different surgical options are also available to treat prostate enlargement in men. Open prostatectomy, Urinary diversion, Prostatic urethral lift (PUL) implants, Prostate artery embolization, Botulinum toxin, Transurethral Resection of the prostate, Cystoplasty, Implanted sacral nerve root stimulation are some of the surgeries and other treatments that are done to treat prostate enlargement in men.

Prevention Tips for Prostate Enlargement

Some prevention tips can be helpful for patients with prostate enlargement. The following are the tips to prevent prostate enlargement

  • Timely medication
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Drink adequate water in a day and less after the evening
  • Limit intake of caffeine

Follow the above-mentioned tips to prevent prostate enlargement. These prevention tips can also be helpful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 


Thank you for reading till here. We hope, this article helped you in getting information about prostate enlargement & its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment. So if you or any of your known are suffering from prostate enlargement, we suggest you visit a good urologist near you. Don’t get panic, treatment is possible. If you are in search of a good urologist, you can also book an appointment with Dr. Sandeep Nunia. He will give you the right advice.


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