Vedic View of | Evolution of Life| Dus Avatar | of Vishnu Vedic Science

Darwin's theory of evolution has flopped due to many loop holes. Here I would like to purpose a theory of evolution of life as mentioned in our ancient text. I will present a different prospective of looking at Vishnu's avatar and their parallel with evolution of life.

Darwin’s theory of evolution has flopped due to many loop holes. Here I would like to purpose a theory of evolution of life as mentioned in our ancient text. I will present a different prospective of looking at Vishnu’s avatar and their parallel with evolution of life.

1. Matsya Avatar: Vishnu incarnates as Matsya or Fish. Though life form has already started in ocean in form of small being, but fish was the first major step in evolution. A fish had Bone, gills, bones helped life to grow in size. Fish is a first complex life species evolved under sea.

2 Kurma Avatar: Next major step comes with Kurm Avatar, A turtle has lungs to breath in air. having a capability to survive in both land and sea. So with Kurm Avatar life has taken its step out of ocean and developing attributes to survive on Land.

3 Varaah Avatar: A wild omnivorous Varaah, branch of animal kingdom living on Land. Developing to move faster and distances for food water. Surviving in wild, eating plants and other vegetation.

4 Narsingh Avatar: Narsingh Avatar shows evolution in Animal kingdom, dividing in carnivorous animals. It also shows evolution towards humans as Narsingh is half Lion half human. Narsingh symbolizes life developing to maintain balance in animal kingdom. Before I discuss the next Avatar I would like to tell you that their are people in Africa who are of average hight of 3.5 to 4 feets and are known as pygmy’s . I mentioned this because next avatar is Vamna avatar : a small Heighted human. Clear dipiction of small human like race evolving of animal kingdom. Intelligent, moving on two legs living in jungles( may be Jungles of Africa remember pygmy) Parshuram Avatar : Fierce and aggressive human form, evolved to live in caves, build weapons. Surviving the wild and establishing superiority of humans among animal kingdom. Mastering the life of wild and learning various warfare technique. Ram avatar: Sometimes known as purushottam or the perfect male. Ram is migration of humans from Jungles or wild to cities. Humans learns technique to live collectively Ramayana also have mention of Vanara, a separate specie living in jungle, species very close to humans but not completely human. Krishna Avatar : human becomes capable of living as a civilization. Human now have knowledge of universe multiverse life death and more importantly Karma , given by Krishna in Geeta

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