Tribute to Champion of Equal Rights for Women and Dalits-Jyotirao Phule Jayanti 2020


Ever since its formation our society carries many spiritual beliefs, dogmas, rituals and social customs. With the passage of your time development of scientific temper and reasoning took roots. With this many beliefs and social customs when put to reasoning, “how, but, why” started losing grounds and new systems developed. India despite the facts it being one among the oldest world civilizations its oldest religion Hinduism many laws were found discriminatory. It first divided its followers into Brahmin, Khastriya, Vaish and (Shudra) castes on work basis and afterward births.

The means of living, earning, education , facing legal actions , weren’t only made caste ,creed ,sex based but were declared as having divine sanction. There was no court to complaint against atrocities committed by high castes against low caste individuals. Women from all castes were barren of all their human rights including dignified life means, education, right to have property. within the fate of girls was miseries like hate of widowhood, destitute, Devdasies, Polyandry, prostitution, producing large children. those that were alleged to be act like big brothers, saviours had become pain givers and declared themselves above law even kings were to obey their dictates. In such precarious conditions some social, educational reformist worked for welfare of folk and ladies . one of these good reformists was Phuley few Maharastra ,india.

Mahatama Jyotirao Gobindrao Phule was born on 11th April, 1827 to revered couple Gobindrao and Chimnabai in village Khanbari of Poona. Since Gobindarao and his two brothers served as florists under the last Pashwas, in order that they were called Phules. Unfortunately Chimnabai died when Jyotiba was 9 months old. So his childhood wasn’t very pleasant. Jyotirao was mentioned within the care of Sagunabai Khersagarbai maternal aunt, Moussi of. Gobindrao wanted his son to urge a better education so was admitted during a school. But all relatives of Gobindrao were against the education of Jyotiba pleading that his son would get spoiled by studying English and will lend no help to him in his job as florist. So Jyotiba was taken out of faculty after he passed his grade school . But again on the advise of a Muslim teacher Jyotirao was admitted in Scottish Mission highschool at Poona from wher he completed his education in 1847. He also decided to not accept any government job but work for the Upliftment of downtrodden and deprived society by spreading of education to all or any with special emphasis for ladies and untouchables.
Jyotiro proclaimed ” Lack of education results in lack of wisdom, which results in lack of morals, which further results in lack of progress which results in lack of cash , which results in the oppression of the lower classes”. See damage done by lack of education only!
Jyotiba was married in 1840 to Savitribai Phule. She worked because the true disciple and co-missionary of her husband. She was first taught reception by her husband and therefore the in aschool,so she became a primary woman student and teacher in India. Against threat to their lives by religious fundamentalist Phuley couple opened their first girls school in poona( now Pune) on 1-1-1948. There after he opened one by one 18 schools some co education schools. Students from all castes and category of were admitted in these school despite the very fact that on the pressure of caste rigid people threatened Gobindarao to show out from their home his son and his wife if they still education else Gobindarao shall be excommunicated from their caste. Jyotirao opted for his or her reformist work and left father’s house too.
To earn his livelihood and to run his schools and other institutions he worked as contractor in PWD. a number of the structures including a bridge are still standing in Pune and in its surrounding. He termed PWD department as hotbed of corruption. He also supplied building materials required for the development of the primary masonry dam in India at Khadakwasla near Pune within the 1870s. one among Phule’s businesses in 1863, was to provide metal-casting equipment. Jyotirao owned 60 acres of farmland at Manjri near Pune. In 1882 memorial, he styled himself as a merchant, cultivator and Municipal Contractor.
Along with carrying on schooling of scholars they turned to other reforms..
Mahatama Phule opposed the evil customs. On the death of his father he didn’t call his caste people for meal instead he distributed meals in beggars, distributed pencils, writing wooden planks ( Patties ) and books to children. He opposed the tyranny of landlords and money lenders , so he organized a protest Dharna in Poona District where farmers joined in sizable amount and burnt the records of the cash lenders. He got a wedding solemnised on 25th December 1873 without the participation of any Prohit.

For the life long service to the Dalits & other deprived section of the society Jyotirao Phule was awarded the Title Of Mahatama. On 19 th May 1888. the function was attended by dignitaries like Justice Ranade, Dr. Bhandarkar, Tukaram Tatiya, Lokhande, Dholey and Bharkar. Jyotirao Phule was addressed by Saya Ji Rao Gaikward as Bukar T Washington in his letter to the president of the function.

After ceaselessly working for over 63 years Jyotirao Phule gave up the ghost on 28 th November 1890. Jyotirao Phule shall be remembered for the centuries to return permanently work he did for the Dalits and Depressed peoples of society including women.

This Article taken Reference from dailyexcelsior

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