Top Hiring Trends In India


In today’s era, there are so many people around us who has a very good degrees but few of them are good at technical works and some of good at documentation kind of works so find out the perfect candidate for particular work has so many hiring strategies so we have found out top 5 hiring strategies for recruit a perfect candidate.

1. Based on Skills: –

Some companies are targeting people who only focus on the skills of candidates who’ll be able to do any work with smartness and Don’t need to do work on candidates or to teach them from the basics and employees have self-learning skills as well. Like the private’s firms, they don’t need any degree they only want skilled candidates so they can make them profit and give them output efficiency.

2. Based on Multi-Tasking: –

In today’s era some companies have also set some goals of employees ratio so that don’t want to hire more employees for different – different works they want that fewer numbers of employees who can work so many tasking like documentation, building project, supervision as well so that less amount of employees so less space is required, pay-scale depends on the ability of the employee. If everyone in the company takes leave or left work then others can do that employee’s work as well and no work will be pending. So that’s the biggest advantage of this kind of hiring strategy.

3. Traditional Way of hiring: –

This is the main strategy company target fresher(s) for recruitment because freshers are more flexible and able to learn any new technology faster. For that, they first take a normal aptitude test if they have more resumes and then after that they check the efficiency of candidates whether they are able to do teamwork or not then they take a personal interview to check their skills and how they deal with consumers and bug problems.

E.g., MNC’s, Big Firms, etc…

4. Work from home (freelancing): –

Some small firm targets to find employees by providing work from home. By applying this strategy, they only concerned about their work that’s it without concern about their degree. They provide work from home and they do not need to teach them personally plus they can pay less because they’re providing online work and they don’t need to buy any place for their work.

This kind of work is preferable by freelancers or part-time candidates who want to earn more with their normal jobs so that they can earn more with their salaries, students also prefer to do work like that, Housewives also prefers to do this work with flexible hours.

So this work provides the time flexibility of work.

5. Employees from other fields: –

In this strategy, some Firms target candidates some employees from other fields for example. Some IT companies are targeting candidates from EC, Mechanical or from other fields so that they only need to give them training in the starting for work they want them to do who are not flexible to do other work so those employees will continue their work only on that field and on same work only and they are not able to do work on framework as they will stay to their job and cannot resign that company and company can get employees with efficient work only their employees ratio will not get down. So that’s the perfectly measured by marketing strategy as well.

These are the top -5 marketing strategies that today’s companies are targeting to get their desired works and better for those companies earning as well. They do marketing studies to find out their candidates and follow different strategies.

So tell me what is the good strategy according to you ??

If you know more specifically about it and don’t forget to share your knowledge in the comment section.

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