Some Viral Riddle Questions And Answer You Should Know


What is ‘roasting meat,’ and how can I make a slice of roast meat? Ramekin.

How can I turn a pot of water into a kettle of freshwater? Water.

How can I make any light go bright? Light.

What does it mean when two snowflakes come in contact with each other? Snowflake.

What is the difference between a grasshopper and a grasshopper? Rattle.

What do you do with an egg that you are not sure you are going to eat? Eat.

How do you ‘pump up a man’s heart?’ Put him in a gym.

What is the maximum number of water droplets that will fall through the skin of a grasshopper in the height of summer? One hundred thousand.

How can you stand on one leg and rub your eyes at the same time? Foot rub.

What do you call a ‘neighbour’ who comes over every night to talk about his neighbours? Old neighbour.

Whose wife was the second person to stand in the water? Wife.

Why did the bird fall down and then try to get up but stop halfway up? Its legs were not up to the job.

How can you stand on one leg and do the dog dance? Monkey dance.

What is the name of the prime minister who was the first prime minister to ride on a bicycle? Prime minister.

What is a pleasure ship and how do you turn a pleasure ship around? Find someone who has done it before.

How can you stand on one leg and make all the curtains sing? Look.

What is the distance between a yacht and the harbour wall? Two yards.

Where does a boy wear his umbrella when the wind is blowing? On his head.

Where is a pirate ship when it is sailing in the harbour? At the pier.

What happens to a bottle of ink when it is sent to sea? I don’t know.

In 2021 social media viral riddle If I Had 4 Eggs Riddle question and Solution.

Why are parents afraid of thunder? Because it scares their kids.

What makes a person talk at a dead person’s funeral? Say something nice.

How can you blow a pig off? Blow it up.

Why do snakes go underground but go up in the air if you throw them in the air? So they can catch their wings.

How can you make a snake fall? Set it on fire.

How can you turn the pages on the sofa with the cushions? Put a pillow under it.

Whose wife was the second person to stand in the water? Wife.

Whose wife was the first person to stand in the water? Wife.

What’s the difference between a robin and a fly? The sound they make.

How can you keep the milk cold long enough to make it good? Put it in a refrigerator.

How can you open a fly that has been crying in the milk? Cut off its tail.

What do you do if a bee goes into your house and sucks your honey off the sofa? Eat it.

Why was an old lady put in the garbage? Bury it.

Why do cockroaches die if you leave them on a hot iron? Too hot.

Why can we make hamburgers from chickens but not from cows? Horses.

How can we make roasts from a hot steak? Cook the steak a little longer.

Why is the noise of a lawnmower made when the grass is wet? No sound.

How can you spread butter on a dog’s nose? Smear it with a hanky.

Whose hair is thickest? The one that is stretched out the longest.

Why is the grass black when it has been raining but white when it is dry? Dry grass.

Whose picture is on the cover of a five-pound note? HM Treasury.

What does the sound of a plane’s propeller make? Scream.

What do you do when you buy a pen that drops out of its case and breaks? Buy another one.

What is the difference between an earwig and a leopard? See earwig.

How can you get a pencil out of a pencil cup? Take it out of the pencil cup.

What do you call a footballer when the ball has gone over his head? Between his legs.

How can you stand in the mouth of a waterfall and put your fingers inside a pond? In water.

What is an elephant and how do you make an elephant sit down? Sit him on his tail.

How can you catch a baby in the yard but let it go when it starts crying? Put it on a stool.

What is the smallest square of wood that you can buy with your five-pound note? Three inches.

What does the eye of the bobcat look like? Close up, like a man’s eye.

Why can we put chalk in water? When it gets soft enough, you can put in the things you draw on it.

How do you stop a snail from moving when it falls on the floor? Take a hanky and push it in.

What do you call a snail? A slug.

Why did the turtle go under the bridge? To avoid the barge.

When the engine of a boat runs out of fuel, what happens to it? It comes to a stop.

What’s the difference between a washing machine and a ship? A washing machine lasts longer.

How can you push a cold chunk of ice all the way into the freezer? Use a pick.

How can you hold a frosting dough and mix it up into a snowman’s face? Put it in a bowl.

What happens if you turn a doughnut upside down and place it in the hot oven? It bursts into pieces.

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