Remember ‘King of Pop’ Michael Jackson on his death anniversary


The world was certain a rude shock on June 25, 2009, when the ‘King of Pop’ Jackson breathed his last thanks to drug overdose in l. a. within the us .

The entire music industry, also as Jackson’s fans, were devastated to listen to about his demise. He was a legend for the years to return . ranging from performing together with his brothers within the band named ‘Jackson 5’ to be the daddy of the ‘moonwalk’ step and producing belters like ‘Thriller’, ‘Billie Jean’, ‘Black and White’, ‘Beat It,’ he was loved by every generation.

Even today, Jackson is remembered for his musical legacy. children who aspire to become great, imitate his famous step .

Eleven years since his death, people all round the world fondly remember the King of Pop not only for his contribution to the planet of entertainment, but also for his humanitarian work. In 1985, along side Lionel Richie, he had composed the song ‘We Are the World’ to boost funds for the famine in Africa. Musical stalwarts had close to sing this beautiful song, spreading the message of affection and peace.

Being his death anniversary, netizens have flooded Twitter with messages about the singer and the way terribly they miss him.


From photos of his time with the Jackson 5 to snippets from his music videos, concerts, interviews, etc, all kinds of content were shared within the memory of the legendary pop star.

A true icon, Jackson still lives on within the people’s hearts and minds even today. Such tributes are always heartwarming to ascertain

This article taken from timesnownews

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