Know Secrets – Healthy Lifestyle for Erectile Dysfunction


Healthy Lifestyle for ED


Both experts and males are always in search of something that can lift their intimate life to upper levels of possibility and extend its life as well. They try to put traditional food items and some concoctions to different studies to come up with some result that may fulfill their desire.


Red wine is one of the latest drinks that have been touted as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction in males.  The findings are important because it emerged that red wine even increases the testosterone levels. It could be the single most important drinks for males. Generally drinks are not considered healthy from an erection health point of view. Let us get into details on the findings of research on this particular wine.


Boost to testosterone levels


Researchers even found that red wine improved the testosterone levels in regular drinkers. This in turn lifts libido and cures the basic defect in the erection process. Males with low libido actually cannot get the benefits for Generic Levitra 60mg doctors prescribe to cure difficulties in erection. 


Libido ensures there can be sufficient stimulation, which doctors recommend.

However, that said, the researchers also warned against going all out. Heavy drinking of wine can work to pull testosterone levels down. 

Moderation is the key to achieving the desired benefit. Not only males find red wine boosting their change of a healthy erection, even women who drink red wine see an increase in estrogen.


Cut the risk by considerable percentage


It emerged from studies that polyphenols found in certain fruits cut the risk of erection resistance by a significant 14 %.  The polyphenols are also found in berries and chocolate. The compound can also act as antioxidant to keep blood vessels flexible and protect them from damage caused by free radicals.


In addition to reducing the risk of erection problems, histamines, a compound in red wine, gives a lift to our drive. Some males who are not able to get the sufficient level of stimulation will find some improvement after taking a couple of glasses of red wine.


Healthy diet protect male health  


Fruits, vegetables, and nuts as healthy snacks prevent many diseases. Some males who insist on making red wine part of their diet should limit its use. It is not necessary to include Red wine in a healthy diet. It is part of tradition in some societies to keep red wine with a diet. But it provides no such benefit that cannot come from fruits or grapes. Healthy diet should include berries, fruits, citrus fruits, nuts and vegetables and moderation in hard drinking.

Harvard study found Flavonoids rich diet can be the single most important factor in keeping erection issues low. Flavonoids can also prevent onset of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The plant based antioxidants protect the blood flow by supporting the health of the blood vessels. Flexible and supple blood vessels provide smooth flow to the pelvic area, which keeps the erection process healthy. All fruits, vegetables, and berries are full of plant based antioxidants which give protection against harmful free radicals in the body.


Erection process is a combination of mental and physical aspects of health.


 A mind which is disturbed or agitated cannot stay in the erection process. When we take care of health, it involves mental health as well. A healthy individual with a relaxed body and mind can reduce the need of Sildenafil citrate 150mg suggested by doctors.


Limit of drinks


Erectile dysfunction due psychological issues or emotional disturbance may not go with just drinking wine. You need counselling help from a professional to treat your phobia, stress or anxiety issues. Never hesitate to consult a professional therapist to deal with psychological issues. The cognitive behaviour therapy helps to deal with negative issues by changing response towards them.


Lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol formation, and other related problems need medical care. The treatment of underlying causes of erectile dysfunction keeps the degree of erection low. Medical treatment helps to manage the erection issue with lifestyle intervention.



Numerous studies have pointed out the benefits of a healthy diet for cardiovascular health. Any food or drink which is considered well for heart health also proves to be the best for erectile dysfunction in males.
However, the same studies also revealed that heavy drinking could go against the very purpose for which you are drinking. Support healthy diet with moderate exercises to get faster results.











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