How to rank a website first on Google


If you want to know how to put a website first on Google, this article will give you a good idea of ​​what it takes to achieve this goal.

Being on the first page of Google in the organic search results area, meaning those positions you don’t have to pay to appear there for, is one of the best and cheapest ways to generate exposure for your site.

The problem is that to appear on the first page of Google, in the organic results area, and better yet, to appear in first place in searches, is not something that can be achieved overnight.

Placing a website in the first place on Google is a medium/long term job that involves a lot of technique, as we will describe in this article.

It is well known that most people these days use Google to find what they want on the Internet. Therefore, in most digital marketing plans, Search Marketing is placed as one of the priorities, as appearing on Google is fundamental for a brand’s exposure.

The step by step of how to put a website in the first place on Google

So let’s see what are the items that need to be taken into consideration by those who want to know how to place a website in the top positions of Google, and thus generate more exposure for the brand and hits to its pages.

1 – Understand how Google ranks Websites:

The placement of a website on Google’s response pages is determined by a series of algorithms that collect information about the website taking into account aspects such as:

The structure of the website itself, what we call Structure SEO
The content and structure of each page, which we call Onpage SEO
The site’s relationship with other pages, which we call SEO Offpage
The acronym SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, a set of techniques that we apply in the process of optimizing websites for search engines, which is the specialization of digital marketing that aims to place a website in prominent positions in the response pages of major search engines .

To better understand this part, we have two articles posted here on our website that will give you a broader view on the subject. The first one is How Google Ranks Sites and the second is titled What is SEO. It is worth checking

2 – Define your Keyword:

The second step for anyone wanting to know how to put a site first on Google is to define the keyword you want to be positioned for in the first results of searches made in search engines.

The basic input of every Search Marketing strategy is the keyword, or keyword phrase, as it sometimes includes more than one word.

A keyword is that word or phrase that you want to be listed first on Google’s response pages when users do a particular search.

This is a critical step, as knowing how to choose these words is essential to attract qualified traffic to your site, that is, people who actually have chances to purchase your product in the case of an online store, service, or the content you have want to publicize.

It is for no other reason that in our SEO course we dedicate an entire module to this step, using tools such as SemRush, Ubersuggest and others, to analyze and select the most suitable keywords for each situation.

3 – Prepare your original and quality Text:

The catchphrase is old, but it is still valid in terms of SEO: Content is King. Without good content, well structured and organized, you will hardly be able to get a spot among the well positioned sites on Google.

One of our guidelines on how to place a website in the first place in Google is to have a good logical structure in your text, through good copyright, and also pay attention to the On Page SEO rules.

Furthermore, the text must be unpublished. No giving CTRL C and CTRL V out there, because if there’s one thing Google just hates it’s copied text, and believe me, it knows very well who published it first. If you want to know one of the paths to failure in SEO, this is one of the best.

4 – Work the On Page SEO questions well:

Another fundamental issue to place a website in the first position of Google is to work very well with On Page SEO, the website optimization techniques for search engines applied to the content of your pages

Among them, it is worth mentioning:

  • In a well-structured sequence of title tags such as H1, H2 and H3
  • A strategic keyword distribution through text
  • A reasonable keyword density in relation to the total text
  • Using emphasis tags such as bold and italic
  • Use bullets and list when possible
  • Images with your keyword in focus in the filename
  • Never forget to use the Alt tag when using an image
  • Internal links to other areas of the site and also external links, when possible
  • It may seem like a long and difficult list to apply, but an SEO analyst with some practice follows this script almost instinctively.

5 – Do a Good job of Link Building:

How to put a website first on Google? Among other things, make it popular among other sites on the Internet by getting quality links pointed to it.

This is perhaps one of the most difficult steps in SEO work these days, as in fact, no one will be putting “olive in your pie”, creating links to your site from scratch.

Quality content obviously helps to make other sites link to you, but in addition, you can also rely on social networks and other sources of links available on the Internet.

Just don’t forget one thing. Always look for quality links, that is, from sites with a high Domain Authority and within the same semantic field as your site, that is, sites that have a central theme compatible with yours.

6 – Monitor Your Results:

Knowing how to put a website on the first page of Google, keeping it there is another thing entirely. Therefore, create a good system to monitor your positions and evolution in terms of ranking, as a website is a dynamic element.

There are several digital marketing tools that can help you in this mission. SemRush, in addition to being one of the best tools for search marketing, can also help in this role.

It is also important that you create monthly reports with technical indicators, such as Domain Authority, number of back links, number of IPs pointing to your site and other indicators of efficiency. For more about Digital marketing tips

Now that you have a good idea of ​​how to put a site first on Google, it’s just a matter of following our roadmap to better position yourself on the answers pages, not only on Google, but also on other search engines. Keep up to date by subscribing to our Newsletter.

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