How to Build a Swiming Pool?


Building is a big responsibility. It is necessary to be aware of several different aspects that make up the work, such as the choice of the ideal project, the location of the lot, the architectural and engineering projects, in addition to the construction phases and costs.

If you’re considering the task, or have already purchased your land and are involved in this quest, you’ve probably heard stories about the occupancy rate, that is, the ratio of built-up area to total area. One of the indices that deserve attention in this regard is the frontal setback, its requirement, size and how it can be used to compose the residence.

We have prepared a complete article to resolve the main questions of owners on the subject. Read on and enjoy the information!

A part of this plan is related to the land and lots, inside and outside the residential condominiums, indicating measures for the front, side and back setbacks in each construction. The front setback is the measure, in addition to the sidewalk, which must be left free of buildings.

The stipulated amount may vary not only in each city, but also according to different regions or neighborhoods in the same municipality. In addition, it is necessary to be aware that the minimum footage may change over time. In other words: a frontal setback of four meters, which was valid 20 years ago, can become five meters for new constructions.

The land is for private use, and may belong to individuals or legal entities. The distances and setbacks are areas between the planes and the limits of the lot itself, which can vary according to the requirement of the type of road.

Let’s use the municipality  as an example, which has its Municipal Code for Land Subdivision, Use and Occupation. It stipulates the values ​​for the setbacks of residential and commercial constructions. The range of measures of the frontal setback is between three and five meters, according to the zone where the terrain is located.

The area can generally be used for parking spaces, swimming pools or similar leisure equipment, provided it is not covered.

In the case of condominiums, the rules may vary according to complementary laws —  they are in the same code used to define setbacks. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the norms of the administration of the enterprise itself, which indicate the standards for houses and buildings.

The ideal is to have access to all the information before starting the project, avoiding the need for delays in the procedure due to errors in the use of space or other specifications, including height.

To know all the values ​​— and pass them on to the responsible teams — don’t give up careful research. The ideal is to have all the documentation regarding the use of the land at hand, passing the copies on to the architect and the responsible engineer.

Failure to comply with the law may lead to the payment of a fine or other penalties, in accordance with local law. In addition, by not complying with the requirements of the Master Plan for the region, it is not possible to obtain the occupancy permit for the residence, as well as the approval of the project by the competent body.

Are there requirements for green space in this space?

Another point that is described in the municipal master plans concerns the green area. The legislation indicates that you need to dedicate a minimum percentage — a radius of at least five meters. In other words: floors or concrete cannot be placed on the entire land and it is necessary to dedicate a space for planting species (ornamental or for consumption) and also for permeable areas (which do not have a floor covering, allowing the absorption of water from the rain through the ground).

The news ends up being a good opportunity for those who want to build a beautiful garden in the house — an important complement both for aesthetics and for providing greater comfort to residents. Maybe you can make a small garden for the family? For Plumbing Services Consult here

However, it is also necessary to conduct a survey with the management of the enterprise before preparing the landscape project, as there are non-recommended species that interfere with the look or even the neighborhood (such as ivy and large trees).

How to use the front setback for decoration?

Front setback, as we’ve seen, is an area that must be left free. This means that it is not possible to make buildings or roofs, including roofs. In the case of pergolas or open structures, it is worth consulting the local and condominium legislation.

Ideally, the space should be used as a green area or even for residents’ leisure. In the case of closed condominiums, it is important that the landscaping project is in line with the other buildings in the surroundings. And, of course, the space must always be well taken care of, which helps to create a pleasant environment for yourself and the neighborhood.

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