How much does a Forklift Operator earn?


The forklift operator, or forklift driver, is a professional with a technical level who uses this type of vehicle to transport, handle, move and store cargo, materials and products. The forklift can have different models, functions and capacities, and be used to move the load horizontally and vertically. The equipment is expensive, can cause serious accidents, and the forklift operator has a responsibility to use it safely.

To be a forklift operator you must have completed elementary school up to the 4th grade, or 5th year, have a driver’s license to drive a car and take a technical course for professional qualification. Only certified people can operate a forklift.
The job market for forklift operators is heated, with a large number of job openings and one of the best salaries for those with this level of education.

Forklift Operator Salary Floor:

The forklift operator’s salary floor is highly dependent on the type of load he is carrying and the length of experience in the job. In each state, the category unions enter into collective agreements and conventions to set a base salary for forklift operators. For Forklift Rental in Texas Contact here

In addition to the salary floor, forklift operators can receive food stamps, company profit sharing, overtime, night pay and hazard pay, among other benefits.
Here are some examples of the forklift operator’s salary floor determined by the category unions in different regions of the country:

Average salary of the Forklift Operator:

The average salary of a forklift operator varies a lot according to the region of the country and the type of company where the professional works. According to the salary survey, a forklift operator earns between $890.00 and $2,000.00, with a national average salary of $1,355.13.

With additional, such as hazardous work, length of service and other benefits, the forklift operator’s salary can reach more than $ 3,500.00.

About the career of a forklift operator:

The profession of forklift operator is regulated in Brazil by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE). Only qualified and certified people can work as a forklift operator, after going through the technical professional qualification course.

There are general courses, during which the student receives basic knowledge and safety to handle various types of equipment, and also specific courses to operate certain models of forklifts, such as large forklifts, gas forklifts, etc.

The requirements for taking the forklift operator technical course are:

  • Have completed the 4th grade (or 5th year) of Elementary School;
  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Having a National Driver’s License (CNH) in category B or higher, that is, having a driver’s license to drive cars, at least.

During the forklift operator course, the student learns technical aspects of the machine, occupational health and safety standards, defensive driving, use of protective equipment, forklift operation and logistical fundamentals, among others.  Forklift operator course, for example, lasts 30 hours of class and can be completed in a few days.

The certificate is valid for one year and the professional forklift operator needs to renew his certificate annually.

In addition to passing the course, the forklift operator must have good visual and auditory perception, emotional balance and a lot of responsibility to operate the machine safely and transport loads efficiently.

The market for forklift operators is heated, with several opportunities across the country, mainly in the states of Texas. Considering that the candidate only needs to have studied up to the 4th grade of Elementary School to work in the area, salaries are much above the average for this level of education, reaching more than $ 3,500.00.

Many companies hire professionals who have just left the course, without requiring experience in the function, and provide specific training on the machine used in the company.

The properly qualified forklift operator can work in:

  • Warehouses and warehouses
  • Wholesale
  • Retail business
  • Distributors of all types of merchandise
  • Company stocks
  • ports
  • Factories
  • car industry
  • Furniture industry
  • Construction
  • Logistics and transport companies

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