How 5G will works?


In the last decade, we saw 2G,3G,4G but still many of us not satisfied with data speed. Now we know 5G is coming and many of us want to know about 5G.

4G is working on 2 GHz to 8 GHz frequency spectrum and speed is up to 20 Mbps. 5G will work on 30 GHz to 300 GHz frequency spectrum. As we know high frequency comes with less wavelength. In simple language, it will hard for millimeter waves to penetrate buildings, thick walls and travel long distances. Factors as humidity rain will easily affect the network.

Here is the main 4 concept to avoid these cons and achieve high speed:-

(1)Millimeter waves:-to achieve high speed we use high frequency which uses millimeter waves. 5G will use 30 GHz to 300 GHz frequency spectrum.

(2)small cell system:-

Height of antenna = (1/4)* wavelength.

due to less wavelength of millimeter waves, a small cell system will useful. Instead of using a single high power antenna we use multiple smaller base stations.

Frequency re-usability can be achieved very easily when we use such smaller cells.


Beamforming is a method intended to eliminate the interferences of the signals, instead of letting all the ports transmit the signals in all directions we first make a single port send a higher beam signals in a specified direction, this reduces the interference and even the attenuations since high power beam is focused and sent into a particular direction

(4)massive MIMO:-MIMO(multiple inputs multiple outputs)

In the 4G technology, we had like 10-12 of these MIMO ports intended to transmit the signals, now in our 5G technology we increase those numbers to up to 100 facilitate the signals to travel faster in all directions. But the network complexity grows up to higher extents.

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