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Home Decor Ideas You should Know!

Home Decor Ideas

Home Decor Ideas

Decorating with Personality, Home with Life

Decorating with personality is the only type of decor possible.

Otherwise it’s not decoration.

It’s just a bunch of furniture and stuff put together with no purpose and no history.

In this post I’m going to show you how to create a decor with personality.

What is a house with personality?

A house with personality is one that shows signs of life in every corner.

It’s a house where each object tells a little bit of the history of those who live there.

Where objects that have meaning for the residents are displayed with pride and in a charming way.

Adding Personality to Decor is Step #7 of the Decorating for Real Life Roadmap.

How to create a Decor with Personality?

Use your “private treasures”. Display them proudly around the house.

Your private treasures are those objects that bring back fond memories, tell stories and make you feel welcomed and protected.

It’s the objects that make your heart feel warm, you know?





Family furniture:

Perfect is boring!

A very combine and inho environment, where the furniture is all from the same set, the colors from the same family, the finishes from the same material, it is a boring environment.

1 Dose of Humor + 1 Dose of Weirdness:

In decoration, as in life, 1 dose of humor + 1 dose of weirdness is essential.

An unexpected, funny or bizarre element has the power to make people feel at ease.

A good-humored decor creates a relaxed atmosphere in your home.

Like: “This house is inhabited by human beings”, you know how?

How to give life to your home?

Including Signs of Life and giving personality to your decor is the last step of the Decoration for Real Life Guide.

But that doesn’t mean your decor is done, it ends here. You can Replace kitchen Faucet and renovate Bathroom

Decorating is an endless process because your home changes and evolves with you.

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