Decorating with Personality, Home with Life
Decorating with personality is the only type of decor possible.
Otherwise it’s not decoration.
It’s just a bunch of furniture and stuff put together with no purpose and no history.
In this post I’m going to show you how to create a decor with personality.
What is a house with personality?
A house with personality is one that shows signs of life in every corner.
It’s a house where each object tells a little bit of the history of those who live there.
Where objects that have meaning for the residents are displayed with pride and in a charming way.
Adding Personality to Decor is Step #7 of the Decorating for Real Life Roadmap.
How to create a Decor with Personality?
Use your “private treasures”. Display them proudly around the house.
Your private treasures are those objects that bring back fond memories, tell stories and make you feel welcomed and protected.
It’s the objects that make your heart feel warm, you know?
- In the age of technology where we do everything digitally, there is an almost magical feel to flipping through a book.
- Books are an invitation to reflection and exchange with others.
- Do you know when we read a book that touches us deeply and then we want to share it with friends?
- Exhibiting your books in the decor is what it is, offering people who enter your home a glimpse into who you are.
- It doesn’t have to be an expensive frame. But it has to be original.
- Original in the sense of unique, singular, which is not a copy or a reproduction.
- It could be your nephew’s coolest drawing, a photo show you took on a trip, or a painting you bought cheap at an antiques fair.
- The important thing is that it was created by a person, not a machine, and has some meaning for you.
- Using prints downloaded from the internet or comics purchased at Leroy Merlin is only valid if the pieces have some real connection with your life.
- Filling your home with generic landscape, flower or Romero Britto paintings doesn’t happen.
- Decorating using family photos is definitely not unanimous among interior decorators and designers.
- Many professionals believe that personal photos should only be displayed in the intimate areas of the home, never in the “living room”.
- I think YOUR house has to be decorated for YOU and not for visitors.
- And if you feel good looking at pictures of familiar faces when you sit on the couch, why not?
- Now if you’re not comfortable showing off your family, that’s fine too.
- You can even use photos to decorate with personality. Use travel photos, old photos or make fun cutouts of family photos.
- Use bookshelves and shelves to display your collections.
- Try to group objects by theme or by color to give the set unity.
- It’s worth using the shells from the beach from the last family vacation, the toys you love from your childhood, your collection of vintage and colorful cups.
Family furniture:
Perfect is boring!
A very combine and inho environment, where the furniture is all from the same set, the colors from the same family, the finishes from the same material, it is a boring environment.
- To create visual interest and make people feel welcome, mix it up!
- Mix old family furniture with more contemporary design furniture, always looking to create contrast between materials.
- It’s worth mixing wood with metal, upholstered with glass, stamped with natural fibers.
- Don’t have family furniture? No problem.
- Now you have a good excuse to hang around thrift stores and antique fairs.
1 Dose of Humor + 1 Dose of Weirdness:
In decoration, as in life, 1 dose of humor + 1 dose of weirdness is essential.
An unexpected, funny or bizarre element has the power to make people feel at ease.
A good-humored decor creates a relaxed atmosphere in your home.
Like: “This house is inhabited by human beings”, you know how?
How to give life to your home?
Including Signs of Life and giving personality to your decor is the last step of the Decoration for Real Life Guide.
But that doesn’t mean your decor is done, it ends here. You can Replace kitchen Faucet and renovate Bathroom
Decorating is an endless process because your home changes and evolves with you.