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‘Holi’ is not a festival for Pets and Stray Animals

Holi’ is not a festival for Pets and Stray Animals

Holi’ is not a festival for Pets and Stray Animals

Holi, the festival of colors marks the arrival of spring season and this jubilant occasion brings us a lot of fun and entertainment including the playing session with gulaal and water balloons. Though we are excited about the prospect of throwing colors on each other, pets and stray animals present outside detest getting hit with these balloons and colors.

We can easily figure this out by seeing them run frantically during the celebration. Moreover, only a few of us are aware of the adverse health impacts these colors can have on our four legged friends.

Stray dogs and cats are the ones who are most exposed to these gulaal and water balloons. While we all can easily wash the color off after the celebration, these animals cannot.

The stain in their skin, over a period of time, can cause them a lot of health problems. Even the colors which are sold as “herbal and non-toxic” are not devoid of danger. It, therefore, becomes important to exclude your pets and stray animals from the vicinity of the celebration.

Unlike dogs and cats, we have an immune system that is strong enough to counter any ill effects caused by the chemicals and dyes in the colors. The toxicity of these chemicals can take a toll on the animals having a weak defense mechanism.

Adverse Effects of Colors on Pets & Strays

Let us look at some of the ways how these colors and dyes prove dangerous to our pets and stray animals’ health.

Precautions for ensuring Pets & Stray Safety on Holi

Amidst all the fun and celebration, we can still take a little bit of our time to ensure the safety and comfort of these innocent creatures. Also, being aware of some precautionary steps to protect the animals is always beneficial. Below are the best preventive measures for keeping your pets and strays outside safe and secure during Holi.

Besides the adverse physical effects these colors can cause the animals, there might be a few psychological impacts too. Dogs and cats can become anxious and depressed as they cannot figure out what is happening around. This is why you might have seen stray dogs running away and never showing up again.

The eve of Holi is a good time for us people to celebrate and rejoice. However, one can also give a little consideration to the health of innocent pets and the stray animals.

Wishing you a happy and safe Holi!

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