GATE2020 Result Declared Check the Answer Key


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has pronounced the outcome for the GATE2020 today, March 19th, 2020. The applicants who had shown up for the GATE 2020 test can check the outcome at the official site,

The GATE2020 assessment was directed on February 1st, February 2nd, February 8th, and February 9th. The outcome was relied upon to be discharged before March 16th and now the outcome has been discharged.

Alongside the outcome, the last answer keys have likewise been discharged. The up-and-comers can get to the last answer keys additionally at the official site. Times of India reports that 18.8% qualify the GATE2020 test.

The speculative answer keys for the GATE2020 test were discharged on February eighteenth dependent on which complaints were welcomed. The outcome is discharged dependent on the protests got.

The GATE assessment is led on 25 subjects and the applicants can show up in any one subject. The GATE is for undergrad subjects in Engineering/Technology/Architecture and post-graduate level subjects in Science. The GATE score is utilized for admissions to Masters and Doctoral projects in Engineering/Technology/Architecture, and Science courses.

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