Epic journey of Prime Minister of India, Narendra Damodar Das Modi


This film is the inspiring saga of a man, a politician, a leader and a Visionary – the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Damodar Das Modi. It covers his 64 – year epic journey, from abject poverty, selling tea on a railway station as a chaiwallah (tea seller) to becoming the Leader of the world’s largest democracy! The film “PM Narendra Modi” is the shining symbol of the victory of a common man. But nowadays due to election some political parties objected on release date of the movie let see what happened next

Directed by – Omung Kumar

Produced by – Suresh Oberoi, Sandip S singh, Anand Pandit

Production Company – Legend Global Studio, Anand Pandit Motion Pictures

movie release on 05th April 2019

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