Clinging to the Stocks: An Exponential rise in Disparity in Income- by Himanshu Srivastav


Preface: With a dynamic scenerio – apparent, the income disparity is increasing and will continue to increase in the future. Lower income, unskilled or low skilled segment, probably even high skilled might face a crunch in the job prospects if automation scenerio continues at the pace today. Whatsoever skill one gains in the automation, it’s still in the end being employed to create a cost saving system for the stakeholders which in turn means a move toward unemployment for the employees. Not saying that automation shouldnt be employed, but an process to save money instead of creating a sustainable and convenient world certainly hurt the morale and hope of many.


So much said yet ignorance is what they get. A future with disparity is inevitable if the current scenario continues. The prophesy, the predictions seems inevitable if “I” is considered in every aspect.

With knowledge base expanding in the financial domain, expertise and implementation is getting limited to certain groups who value money more than anything. The other segment who value a life with basic amenities ,preferably “only”, are at the verge of disintegration and destruction.
Stakeholders value patience, so they reap the fruits of exuberance and wealth. With an exponential rise in the financial knowledge base in certain segment, they are ensuring to attract the major chunk, thereby making the inflow more dynamically sustainable for themselves and more unsustainable for the workers.

Also Read- ‘Age 27’ Motivation Story by -Himanshu Srivastav

Investments are done today, heavily in field of IT to converge the market to certain market giants who can leverage the advanced techs and generate a profit. Low skilled workforce are being replaced and as said by them, will in turn be replaced with other new jobs. Let’s see what kind.

There is certainly a shift from job security to income sustainability, which is apparently not a harm. But under the veil, the competition to be the most rich or the will to be extremely rich- a child of the American Capitalism reign, is increasing the chances of unsustainable future for the masses below.
No doubt the black money strata in the swiss account are surging at a exuberant rate and powers thereby of business giants, politicians, and beaurocreats are increasing. A sceneio like this it wont be wrong to say a “A Democracy of the Powerful”.

Nevertheless the interconnections in the economic system is the major cause but a perspective change, if ever happens among the competitive stakeholders could only change the upcoming turmoil.

Blog By – Himanshu Srivastav

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