Chemical Colors can be Harmful for Holi Celebration


Holi is a celebration of colors. As we know the history of Holi it is also the celebration of destroying our internal evil like the way Holika was. In the next day, all Indian plays Rangowali Holi with different colors of Gulaal, water balloons, Water Guns, etc. Somehow people started playing Holi with Harmful Strong Chemical Colors and they are also applying them on the face of each other as well as on animals. They all are unaware of how harmful can be Chemical Colors.

So, Here the disadvantages of applying Chemical colors on the human body as well as on Animals body:

For Aminals:

  • Animals can easily inhale the powder, which can cause nasal irritation and respiratory allergies or infections.
  • Skin allergies and hair loss: Most dry colors used during Holi contain chemicals like Mercury Sulfate and metal oxides. These are known to induce skin allergies and inflammation in dogs, especially in the short-haired breeds. The constant itching and scratching associated with it can also lead to skin rashes and hair fall.
  • Leads to blindness: Stray dogs often get hit by water balloons. Most of the time, the balloons are filled with colors. The colored water and the dyes present in these balloons can be detrimental to their eyes which can even lead to permanent loss of eyesight.
  • Causes respiratory disorders: We often see people smearing color powders on their pets during Holi. Little do they know that these powders can enter through the nasal tracts of the pets extremely quickly. The chemicals in the powder, on inhalation, can cause them lung infections and other respiratory issues.
  • Acts as a slow poison: Dogs and cats have a habit of cleaning themselves by licking. While self-grooming, they end up ingesting a lot of the colors we have applied to their body. The colors and dyes contain traces of lead which are slow poisons that can be fatal for both your pets and the stray animals.

For Humans:

  • It causes allergy in eyes which results in blindness, redness of the eyes.
  • It causes skin cancer.
  • Excess intake of black color containing lead oxide through the air directly affects the kidney.
  • Directly attack the nervous system which results in mental retardation.
  • Chlorine iodine contains in purple color causes asthma.
  • Directly affects the hair. Once the color gets dry, it results in dry and brittle hair.
  • Leads to dermatitis due to rashes and itching


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