Benefits and harms of computer games


As far as I can remember, one of the funniest things in my teens was computer games. Whole weeks were spent in a darkened room, printing first on the PlayStation One and later on the PlayStation 2 controls.

Now, looking at the computer game industry, there is a desire for those times to come back. After all, so many interesting and high-quality games that I never even dreamed of before have been created.

My cousin and I sometimes joke that there was time then, but there were no games, and now, on the contrary, the games are full but there is no time.

But perhaps it must be so. Video games are, for the most part, the prerogative of children, adolescents, and otherwise youth. Somewhat older people, especially those who are very immersed in a career, lose interest in what was once so exciting for them in the former world of computer games.

Benefits and harms of computer games

True, there are those who remain fans of such games forever. And work and self-earned money is an opportunity to buy the latest video game equipment and buy original games, not the ones that all Gariūnai is overwhelmed with.

An adult is unlikely to be significantly affected by computer games. Well, unless it helps to relax and vent accumulated anger or relieve stress after a busy day at work. Battlefield 3 is perfect for that.

However, the main concern is the impact of virtual entertainment on the most important and vulnerable members of society, children.

Although in my childhood my mother repeatedly said that I would stop playing “those nonsense” and go to the woods better (this is definitely more acceptable to me now), but looking back and evaluating everything from my current position, I understand that “those nonsense” helped me learn English better. i.e., improved responsiveness, accelerated the decision-making process, and learned to solve logical tasks. Thanks to the developers of Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Metal Gear and others.

However, this personal and highly subjective experience of mine seems to have a basis, as the impact of computer games on children has long been studied by scientists and various experts. So I tried to summarize their insights and clearly articulate the positive and negative aspects of the impact of computer games.


– Computer games introduce children to the world of computer technology and the Internet. This helps them adapt faster in the digital world. This is especially true if we are talking about girls, who are usually less interested in technology than boys.

– Video games can be a great tool for knitting and strengthening parent-child relationships. There are games that are fun and can be played not only by adults but by children. This makes it possible to spend more time with the offspring. And if they know more about the game or technology – let them teach you. This will give them new skills and confidence in their own strengths.

– Children do best in learning how fun the process is. And they really like computer games, so the latter do not feel like they become a learning medium, which is created in such a way that the pursuit of the award encourages not to give up after the first failure and persistently pursues the goal – to cultivate the will.

– Studies at the University of Michigan have shown that there is a direct link between the interest in playing computer games and creativity, regardless of gender, race or type of game.

– Computer games improve the speed of decision making. Those who have played action games make decisions on average 25 percent. faster than others. Such results were obtained by researchers at the University of Rochester.

– Although somewhat surprising, according to neuroscience expert Daphne Bavelier from the University of Geneva, the biggest positive impact on players is action games, which are also often worried about as sources of violence and cruelty.

– Video games played by several people (multiplayer) teach children the basics of teamwork: listening to the ideas of others, creating action plans and distributing work according to abilities. In addition, some games, thanks to the Internet, are played by individuals from different parts of the world. And this is an opportunity for the child to get to know different nations and cultures.

– Games that require physical activity, such as Nintendo Wii Boxing, obviously help children get in better shape.

– Usually, children enjoy computer games not because of the cruelty there, but because they are independent in the virtual space and can make the decisions that seem right to them. Their freedom is not restricted by anyone. Of course, special effects such as explosions, shootings, gushing blood or slow repetition of a scored goal are also not in the last place – they attract the eye.


– There are scientists who claim that computer games that contain violence have a negative effect on children. Especially for those who play a lot of such games. According to researchers (Craig A. Anderson and Brad J. Bushman), fans of violent computer games are more likely to behave and feel aggressive.

– A child who spends too much time playing computer games may eventually start to feel socially isolated. In addition, such a child may pay less attention to lesson preparation, sports, and reading. All this leads to an even bigger lock.

– Some games teach questionable moral attitudes: women are weak, powerless, and initiate sexual acts; cruelty is richly rewarded; negotiations or other non-violent solutions are not appropriate.

– Researchers Douglas A. Gentilea, Paul J. Lynch, Jennifer Ruh Linderc and David A. Walsha say that children’s time spent playing computer games is associated with declining school performance. The longer you play, the worse the results.

– Intense and excessive entertainment with computer games can cause health problems. For example, obesity, video-induced seizures, postural disorders, or carpal tunnel syndrome.

– By playing online, a child can learn uncensored language and misbehavior.

– Research shows that best racing games can be addictive, which can result in personal depression, increased anxiety or social fears.

– In February of this year, the Journal of Psychology and Popular Media reported that children who spend a lot of time playing computer games are more impulsive and have more difficulty concentrating.


– It is necessary to monitor and limit the amount of time a child spends at the computer.

– Dr. According to Robert Butterworth, children who are prone to abuse are not “created” by computer games or television, but by parental misconduct. Therefore, parents need to be attentive and loving enough so that the offspring do not go awry.

– Children should engage in as many activities as possible, not just enjoy car racing games. They should be offered to read books, play sports, socialize with friends or watch good TV shows. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children should spend up to 2 hours a day at electronic device screens staring at non-scientific people. during the day.

– If you notice that a child who starts playing computer games becomes more aggressive – immediately deprive him of the opportunity to continue such activities until you find out why and who affected him in this way. Maybe he needs other games?

What computer games to choose?

You should first decide which computer games are acceptable in your home. If it is decided that violence is undesirable in them, explain the reasons for your decision to the children and make sure they understand them.

– Before buying a computer game, it is advisable to read its review online, see what age group it is intended for, find out what its genre and consumer ratings are.

– Assess your child’s level of maturity and buy only computer games that are right for him. It should be noted that chronological age does not necessarily reflect the relevant stage of personality maturity.

– Look for games that should be played by several people – you will encourage the development of teamwork skills.

– Psychotherapist dr. Robert Butterworth says it is always necessary to assess not only the level of violence in a game or film, but also what needs he can meet. According to him, boys just need to kill dragons, fight cowboys and Indians – to be conquerors in a fantasy world where they are heroes. By obscuring this need or ignoring it, bad long-term consequences can be expected in the future.


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