Are Older Men More Susceptible to Erectile Dysfunction?


Erectile dysfunction is a fairly common dysfunction in the whole world which is diagnosed as a condition which disables a man from having erections. In some cases, a man may have erections but they would turn out to be weak and unsatisfactory for sexual intimacy with his partner.

There are many different causes of this condition and most of them can be treated by identifying the cause of this condition. But it is a common myth among people that old-age brings erectile dysfunction. While it is true that men who are above the age of 55-60 years of age are more likely to suffer from this condition, but it does not mean that old age is the cause of this condition.

Nowadays many younger men are being diagnosed with this condition due to various causes and thus it is not an old man’s disease as many men jokingly put in.

If you are a sexually active man who is in your mid-forties and are worried that you will start having trouble with your erection once you cross a certain number then you are worrying for no reason.

There are many men who remain sexually active in their most advanced years as well and if you are proactive and take necessary steps to learn more about this condition and make conscious efforts to remain sexually active you too can enjoy the same bliss.

Let’s dwell in a little deeper to see how a man can enjoy a sexually fulfilling and happy life even as he ages.

Diseases which cause Erectile Dysfunction in Men

Erectile dysfunction is often caused as a symptom of other underlying diseases such as diabetes, Atherosclerosis, Hypertension and other such conditions, and because this diseases often occur after a person has crossed his prime age, it is possible that people may think that this condition has occurred due to old age.

In case you suffer from any of this condition, and also have erectile dysfunction then getting treated for the primary diseases will often treat your erectile dysfunction as well. And now that you know that these conditions can make your sexual life difficult, you should take some preventive measures to be free from these conditions in the first place.

Lifestyle Choices that can induce Erectile Dysfunction 

It is a universal truth that as we age, our bodies grow through various changes, and not all of them are good. If you don’t change your lifestyle with your age, you are likely to have a lot of trouble in your life and one of them can be erectile dysfunction.

When we are young, we move around a lot, play sports with our friends go out and about moving our bodies like there is no tomorrow. But as we age, physical movement becomes almost non-existent in our life, and this lack of physical movement can robe you of your ability to have erections as it restricts the blood circulation of your body.

If you are a man who does not prioritize his time for some exercise or physical bent that can keep the blood of your body circulating around properly, then your increase the risk of erectile dysfunction in your age.

As a young man, partying and drinking day and night may seem normal and cool, but if you keep up this habit as you age, you will find that it greatly impacts your sexual life in a negative way.

Many men as they age turn to excessive consumption of alcohol, chain-smoking as well as drug abuse when they cannot deal with the realities of their life, some men just adopt this kind of lifestyle out of spite or recklessness. If you are one of them, you should know that alcoholism, as well as smoking, are among the leading causes of erectile dysfunction, and they not only have an impact on your ability to make love but also affect your sperm count as well as your emotional intimacy with your comrade.

As you age you have to choose healthy habits, awareness about your physical condition as well as preventive measures to deal with the threat of erectile dysfunction.

If you are someone who already suffers from this condition then also we assure you that a sexually satisfying can yet be achieved, there are various treatments of this condition available. Many men enjoy a convenient and tasty treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Based on the severity of your condition as well as your sexual requirements, you can use Cenforce 100 tablets for your treatment. If you are someone who wants to enjoy sexual pleasures every day Fildena will be the best oral treatment to choose.

There are other treatments such as penile injections as well as penile implants and surgeries for erectile dysfunction, penile pumps are also useful for temporary relief from this condition.

No matter what your age is, seeking out help for this treatment and taking preventive as well as complementary measures to deal with this condition will ensure a happy, fulfilling, and satisfactory sexual life for you.

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