Air Suspension Check Routine on Cold Days


Do you drive heavy-duty vehicles in the winter without air suspension? It’s really unwise to hit the road without a suspension system, especially in cold weather. In fact, your air ride suspension system at needs special maintenance in winter. Don’t know how to do it? Be sure to read this article now to find out quick tips.

How does air suspension work? (in cold weather)

Most drivers may be familiar with the working of the air suspension on a vehicle. The system consists of two tanks (one small, the other large) with individual valves (one large) at both ends of the line. The valves control the amount of pressure that the air diffuses into the system. In cold weather, the valves allow the pressure to build up inside the tanks and release that pressure to the wheels.

Maintenance tips for your air suspension system in winter

During the winter months, special care for your air ride system is required to allow it to perform properly. Here are some quick pro tips for your reference.

Winterizing your airbags in advance

Before you get into the big picture of maintenance (and if you have never done it before, please read on), let’s talk about the importance of winterizing your bag and tank. You should always change out the water trap no matter how often it is used. It is usually located in the back of your seat, on top of the tank.

Always have backup suspension kits prepared on cold days

Next, consider the importance of keeping the weight of your bag and your ski rack in check during the season. Let’s be honest, as soon as the temperature starts dipping into the 20’s, there is no point in having a portable air suspension car. It just won’t be worth the time or the money. So, set up your emergency weather kit. Have an extra set of nuts, bolts, and washers (or an emergency supply kit) ready and place them inside the vehicle.

Regularly check your vehicle for optimal air suspension height

Now, let’s discuss how and why most manufacturers have different air suspension heights. This is important because it affects how much the vehicle will roll over while driving. Manufacturers have been able to design these products so that they maintain the same level of handling as your car or truck. On the flip side, when shop air suspension products are used, the wheels tend to lift.

The best way to keep the tires on top of the air suspension system is through regular maintenance. But, remember that your car is constantly working. It will need to be driven. So, unless you take the time to clean and oil your vehicle on a regular basis, chances are that it will need some basic maintenance performed. Typically, you can maintain the height by topping off the oil and gas.

Ensure that your air compressor is working in cold seasons

If you have a shop air suspension system, you can expect that the compressor will be in good shape during the winter months. In fact, your compressor will probably be able to run longer than normal with the water trapped underneath it. Just make sure that you don’t drain the water trap during the winter. Also, when winter comes, it is important that you check the pressure of the air suspension as well. This can prevent your tires from getting too cold. Typically, the pressure will be lower during the summer and higher during the winter months.

Keep an eye on your ECU (to make sure your suspension system functions)

Your air management system is probably just as prone to problems as your air suspension system. Therefore, it is equally important that you do regular maintenance on your electronic control units. In fact, if you have a shop-built electronic control unit, then you most likely already know that there is maintenance that needs to be performed on a regular basis.

Airbags change based on temperatures

In order to determine what type of maintenance is necessary on your suspension, you should first determine how well your spring rate and air suspension work together. As mentioned earlier, both components are affected by temperature changes. Obviously, the spring rate does not change much in the winter. However, the air suspension does change with the season. Since both systems work together to help your tires perform at their best, you should maintain both components.

How do you know your air suspension system is failing?

It could be vital for you to notice any signs of suspension failure in early states. For one thing, it will be safer and comfortable to drive with a good suspension system. For another, it saves money. The total failure caused by tiny problems is just a matter of time.

Check the expansion of your suspension

The best way to tell if your air suspension is stiffening or deforming, it’s important to check the expansion. This can be done by manually blowing on the air suspension and seeing how much expansion occurs. With a stiffened spring, you will see little expansion; however, with a stretched spring you will see quite a bit of expansion. So, simply put, if your air suspension is stiffening, then you may want to check the springs.

Make sure airbags are in good condition

Testing the airbags on your car during the winter months is another good way to tell if the car needs to be maintained. When winter comes, your car’s airbags release the gas that it has stored in the tires to spread the heat throughout the vehicle. This heat helps to keep the car warm and prevent the tires from getting too cold which can cause problems with your traction control. If the airbags are not being properly used, then they are probably leaking. In order to ensure that these bags don’t get busted open, you should check them at least twice a year – once in the winter and once in the spring.


Driving in winter is sometimes dangerous and uncomfortable, especially on slippery roads on snowy days. Therefore, it is of great significance for drivers to carefully check the car’s condition air suspension system include before starting a journey. Enjoy your air ride in winter!

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