After Party Drink – Expectations vs Reality


Every individual’s definition of an after-party drink varies from person to person. Everyone has their own personal recipes of after-party drinks to help them avoid hangovers and get by with the day without facing any difficulties. Although people expect that after-party drinks have to be made at home and are not available commercially, that is not entirely true. DotShot’s after-party drink is a commercially available anti-hangover drink that will revitalize your body and eliminates the chances of you facing a hangover the next morning.


  • After a night of hard partying, people accept the fact that they will be facing a killer headache the next morning due to their late-night shenanigans. In order to avoid a hangover during a weekday, people tend to avoid partying during Sunday nights or weekdays, as it would mean debilitating headaches, nausea, and laziness the next morning. 
  • People also tend to consume coffee as soon as they get up to get rid of the laziness and get cracking on their daily 9 to 5 routine. What they do not realize is that a night of hard drinking depletes the body of vital minerals and electrolytes. Other than that, alcohol consumption puts the liver under a lot of pressure to process the alcohol, which might result in liver damage in the near future. While having coffee in the morning will help in stimulating your brain and get rid of laziness, it won’t provide the proper nutrition that your body requires after a night of partying.
  • Another expectation that people tend to believe in is that the next morning they will have to make their own hangover drink as soon as they get up. Getting up the next morning after a night of partying is an astonishingly tedious task to do and making a hangover drink for yourself sounds downright absurd. With many anti-hangover drinks having fruits in their recipes, slicing and dicing them while suffering from a hangover headache might seem like a Herculean task.


  • Partying on weekdays and Sunday nights has become a possibility with the release of Dotshot’s After-Party Drink. Early morning hangovers have always been a nuisance that would affect productivity and also the health of the body in the long run. With the After-Party Drink, you won’t have to face painful headaches and other issues that come along with hangovers. Having this drink after a night of partying and right before you go to sleep will eliminate the chances of having a hangover the next morning.
  • Consuming alcohol results in the production of Acetaldehyde by the liver, which can be very harmful to the body if produced in excess. Alcohol consumption puts the liver under high stress which might negatively affect the body and be harmful in the long run. In order to tackle this situation, Dotshot added multiple vitamins and minerals that are lost in the multiple bathroom trips that are taken during drinking. The After-Party drink replenishes the body with these minerals and electrolytes. Dotshot formulated the drink from Curcumin and also added essential electrolytes. The composition that Dotshot has come up with has been clinically proven to battle hangovers and the harmful side effects of excessive alcohol consumption.

Unlike other anti-hangover drinks that involve manually preparing them the very next morning, Dotshot’s After-Party Drink comes readily in a small bottle that can be consumed right after you are done drinking or before going off to bed. Waking up the next morning and chopping up fruits for your natural and fresh anti-hangover drink seems like a tedious task to do while suffering from headaches and nausea. Dotshot’s After-Party drink is made from natural ingredients and can be had directly from the bottle. Other than that, the drink is flavored and has a refreshing taste. This Anti-Hangover drink is also comparatively cheaper with a pack of 4 bottles costing you a mere 325 INR.

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