Knowing how to choose a power generator can eliminate one of the most impertinent problems, blackouts, from your life. They happen overnight and without notice, and can totally ruin any event.

As the only solution to prevent unforeseen events in events, constructions, industries, energy generators are equipment with different powers so that you can safely choose the best option.

How to choose an ideal power Generator:

Each generator has a maximum power value. Its resilience for each service sector varies according to this value.

To be sure how to choose a power generator follow some of our recommendations below and let go of worrying about annoying blackouts.

Structure of power generators
The basic structure of the generators is composed of:

  • Alternator;
  • Fuel tank;
  • Motor.

For a good functioning of the energy generation equipment, it is necessary to invest in compatible fuels for each need.

Types of fuels:

The market offers a variety of fuels for electric generators. However, the most common are: Diesel and Gasoline.

The main difference between Diesel and Gasoline is that the former must be used in environments that require more powerful generators, such as shows and events. The second type of fuel (gasoline) is more used for small demands (such as homes, small businesses, among others).

How to choose a power generator with the required power

As we mentioned, the total that the generator will be able to withstand depends entirely on the power of the equipment chosen by you. It won’t be effective at all if the event is something big that needs a lot of energy and the generator is low power.

However, it may not be so problematic if the situation does not require large energy reserves and your generator is of high power.

The generator noise level:

Like it or not, some generators produce loud noises, which are definitely not welcome. An event where the generator produces a loud sound would be quite unpleasant.

Always look for generators that are silenced or as quiet as possible. This point will make a big difference at the end of your day.

Models of generators for temporary power supply
The most common models of generators are classified as silenced and portable. They have good performances attributed to their applications.

A company specialized in leasing equipment for temporary energy, lighting and movement, works with a variety of electrical generators that can meet different demands.

You have a specialized team to indicate the best equipment based on your real needs.

Ideal installation location:

It is extremely important where the power generator will be placed. Avoid leaving generators indoors, especially as the emission of gases from the device can be harmful to health.

Smaller generators produce a reduced level of gases and, if necessary, adapt better in completely enclosed spaces.

In order not to take risks, choose a place where air circulation is constant and only in the last case a closed environment.

Taking into account the above points,  Generators works with the leasing of three types of generators:

Generator sets – with power from 55 to 500 kvas, ideal for those who need continuity of supply, the industry is one of the most benefited;
Portable generators – perfect for homes, small works, commerce and some field activities – power ranges from 6.5 to 10 kvas;
Silenced generators – as they have noise reduction, they fit with the needs of the events, due to their power, they can also be used in civil construction – 55 to 500 kvas.

Which segments USE Power Generators:

We are surrounded by energy-based equipment that are essential in our daily lives. Imagine being surprised by a power outage in the middle of a party, dinner or meeting?

At the moment of a blackout, the generator starts working, whether in commercial, residential or industrial environments, ensuring that activities continue normally.

But after all, what are generators what why do we need them so much? Generators are medium and large machines that, with the help of an engine and alternator, convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, generating energy at the location where it is installed.

It is through this equipment that even if there are failures in the light supply in hospitals and companies, we can be assured of damage — sometimes irreparable.

So, before renting your equipment, you need to understand how to choose a power generator. So see here comparison of two most popular genset

Power generator for Businesses:

Many entrepreneurs have opted for the lease of generators to ensure that even in the event of a power outage or failure — which has been causing great damage to businesses — they can be safe and thus serve all customers normally.

In these cases, it is important to understand the local demand, a supermarket for example, serves customers from the beginning to the end of the day and has refrigerators and heaters in operation at all times. Meanwhile, a store needs to ensure light for all environments, dressing rooms and electronic equipment, but they have different needs.

Therefore, the generator rental company makes a prior assessment of the establishment’s needs, identifies the solutions and suggests a proposal equivalent to the space requirements.

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